C & S Components is the industry leading supplier of obsolete electronic components. have developed the business to serve the electronic components needs of our customers by way of pricing, flexibility, quick response times and excellent customer service. We understand that our customers need more than a supplier; they need a strategic partner in their supply chain, so we strive to be that and more.

Thanks to our established links to the main Korean,Russian and American electronic component manufacturers, we have been able to meet market demand by utilizing our in-stock inventory and global network of suppliers to reduce procurement cycles, lower transaction costs and provide quality electronic components at competitive prices on products such as electronic components; integrated circuits; memory products; memory cards; secure digital cards; memory ics; connectors; semiconductors; flash memory, etc., by well known electronic component manufacturers Hitachi, Analog Devices, Altera, Cirrus, and National, amongst many others.

This supply line also provides stock delivery for allocated, obsolete products and long lead time parts. We will also retain buffer stocks for scheduled requirements, even on obsolete electronics and other products.

Rest assured that when you work with C & S Components, you¡¯re working with the industry elite. Give us a call when you are unable to acquire the obsolete electronic components you need through your normal franchise channels and we will meet or exceed your expectations!